If you have questions about APSIM, or have found a defect (issue) with APSIM, create a new issue at one of the following GitHub repositories.
For APSIM Classic:
For APSIM Next Generation:
You will need to register with GitHub to create an issue. For further instructions to register for GitHub, please see here.
You are also able to review what is currently being developed in APSIM, by accessing the new MAJOR science issues in GitHub – please see here
If you have a specific area of interest, you can join an APSIM GitHub team – more information on this can be found here
The APSIM Initiative also hosts a ResearchGate project at This has been set up to foster collaboration with other APSIM users. If you use APSIM, we welcome you to become a collaborator and share new findings and papers. We also welcome collaborators to ask questions related to APSIM scientific development. If you wish to be added to this project, please send a message via RG or to