Join the APSIM Initiative and Iowa State University for a 3-Day Course on Cropping Systems Modelling
The APSIM Initiative in collaboration with Iowa State University announces a 3-day (in-person) APSIM training course to be held in Ames, Iowa, June 17-19, 2024.
The training course will focus on “Evaluating Production and Environmental Performance of Cropping Systems with APSIM”.
The course consists of presentations explaining the science behind the APSIM models, input data requirements, the user interface, how to create cultivars and soil profile parameters, as well as numerous exercises to familiarize participants with simulations. The following topics will be covered: crop growth, climate change, yield gaps, water balance, N cycling, soil carbon, genotype x management x environment interactions, and long-term assessments of cropping systems.
Participation is limited to 25 people. No prior knowledge of APSIM is required.
More info here:
See also past course evaluations here: