Post-doctoral & PhD positions at UQ

These positions have been filled

We have one competitive post-doctoral position (4 years), and three (3.5 year) PhD scholarships at The University of Queensland, Gatton Campus Australia, industry funded and aligned to a collaboration between UQ-QAAFI’s Centre for Crop Sciences, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), and the Liebniz Institute for Crop Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) Germany.


The project aims to overcome the field phenotyping bottleneck for impactful root traits that limits the capacity of breeders and agronomists to achieve step gains in crop productivity, by selecting genotypes and precision agronomic interventions that increase drought tolerance in wheat and sorghum. A key focus is to develop functional high-throughput in-field root phenotyping tools for traits that are valuable, show genetic diversity and agronomic application, and that will contribute to yield and yield stability. The project involves a large multi-disciplinary team of National and International researchers on breeding, crop physiology, proximal crop and root sensing, and crop modelling. Commercial partners include all mayor seed breeding companies for wheat and sorghum in Australia as well as the main service providers of digital agriculture products.
