
The fieldpea module is currently under development and has only received testing in South Australia over a range of sowing dates in two seasons under dryland conditions. Cultivars currently simulated in order of earliest to latest flowering are: Parvie, Excel, Parafield, Kaspa and Mutka. Green area of stems and tendrils is not explicitly simulated but included as part of the leaf area index. There is no explicit differentiation between semi-leafless and conventional types

Users are invited to provide feedback on module performance to the convenor, Michael Robertson (

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Science notes

The parameters are for the fieldpea module are those for chickpea, unless specified below. Refer to the PLANT module science document for detail on the definition of parameters:

Shoot_rate – 4 o Cdays per mm

Cardinal temperatures for thermal time. 3, 28, 40 o C from Olivier and Annandate (1998)

Leaf appearance rates 40 o Cd per leaf: from Olivier and Annandate (1998)

Branching parameters – complete guess – 2.5 leaves per node at 4 nodes onwards

Rue of 1.1 g/MJ. From Jamieson, Wilson and Hanson (1984)

Node number correction = 1.2

Leaf size vs node number – use fababean numbers

SLA_max = 30000 mm 2 /g

SLA_min = 20000 mm 2 /g

Temperature and root advance cardinal temps of 0, 20, 32 o C

Initial tpla =1000 mm 2 per plant

Transpiration efficiency – 0.004 Pa

Rate of HI increase (all cultivars) – 0.025 per day (Lecoeur and Sinclair 2001)

Relevant references

Jamieson PD, Wilson DR and Hanson R 1984. Analysis of response of field peas to irrigation and sowing date. 2. Models of growth and water use. Proceedings of the NZ Society of Agronomy 1984 75-81. Lecoeur J and Sinclair TR 2001. Harvest index increase during seed growth of field pea. European Journal of Agronomy 14: 173-180.

Olivier FC and Annandale JG 1998. Thermal time requirements for the development of green pea (Pisum sativum L.). Field Crops Research 56: 301-307.

Module performance

Figures below show module performance for one cultivar (Parafield) at Roseworthy in South Australia over two seasons. Prediction of flowering is for 5 cultivars (Parv, Excel, Parafield, Kaspa, Mutka) over those same two seasons.

Roseworthy 2003 sown 10th  June .

Roseworthy 2002 sown 17th May

Roseworthy 2002 sown 6th June


Agreement for 5 cultivars over 4 sowing dates in South Australia Squares are observed and crosses are simulated