24 Feb 2011 – APSIM 7.3 Release notes
APSIM 7.3 release notes
18th February 2011
This release of APSIM is a maintenance release with many defects fixed and some new functionality added.
The complete list of defects can be found here
Changes to Windows explorer menu naming
The windows explorer context menus for apsim now include the revision number of that release. These revisions relate to the version control system. As usual, multiple versions (and now revisions) can be installed on one machine with no interferance. By default, APSIM now installs itself into a directory name that contains the revision number. For example, c:\program files\apsim73-R1031
Changes to Apsim User Interface
- Many grid control bugs, inadvertently introduced in APSIM 7.2, have been fixed in this release.
- Two new options now exist on the right click context menu. The first is a convenient way to unlink all nested simulation nodes with a single click. The second is a way to easily duplicate simulations or paddocks a user defined number of times.
- A button has been created in the user interface to allow users to easily send their large collection of simulations to the Toowoomba computer cluster. A yearly access fee is charged for this service. The fee then allows the APSIM Initiative to upgrade the cluster computers. Contact apsim@dpi.qld.gov.au for more information.
Changes to Apsim User Interface graphics
- A new animated soil water and plant graph has been created. Drag a Soil – PLANT report from the Graph Suites | Animated Reports folder in the Graph toolbox. Drop this report on your paddock, rerun the simulation. When you go to this report you’ll see an animated display of the soil water and plant biomass.
- A component to display R Graphics in the User Interface has been implemented.