12 Dec 2015 – APSIM 7.7 Release Notes
Friday December 12, 2014
APSIM 7.7 is a bug fix release and does not include new functionality. Issues addressed are below. More information can be found on our bug tracker.
Sorghum Code cleanup |
Add alternative nitrification/denitroficaiton processes in SoilNitrogen |
Deprecate MasterPM |
There is no documentation for the Egrandis module in the list of crop model documentation |
GUI Change tool doesn’t like linked SoilTemperature nodes |
updates for training exercises |
Allow use of bootleg R component |
Upgrade run_on_cluster to condor 8 |
Adding new completed exercises to training.xml |
Manager 2 needs better error messages |
Added RLink, OilPalm, DCD, Solute2 to official release |
added manager for furrow irrigation |
Rotation UI cant have two arcs leading from a state |
documentation update |
minor changes to prepare for 7.6 release |
“Open latest version from the web” link is broken |
Apsoil version number is incorrect |
Swim3 doesn’t move any solutes owned by SoilNitrogen |
Buffer overrun in CI2 modules |
Tidying up SoilNitrogen |
Add in new wheat documenation |
Change hard coded value in Oryza to external valueno |
New furrow irrigation script not working |
initial nitrogen being added to soil file when soil dragged or copied from soil toolbox |
progress bar only works when simulation completed |
Testing changes for new fortran version |
change cluster UI form for better error handling |
Fatal errors in .NET components not always obvious in the GUI |
In PLANT, set XF to 1.0 if there are values for ESP, EC or CL AND ModifyKL is true |
New Barley varieties |
Crop LL below Air Dry in Soilwat |
Windows build scripts could be modified to allow for different compiler versions |
update r component to 3.1 |
Update outputs of AgPasture |
DM removal (graze) results in loss of mass balance in AgPasture |
Added a Year of Sampling field to Apsoil |
Make ll, xf and kl both readable and writeable for sorghum |
Simple grazing module (graz) is not trampling correctly |
Add some extra variables to Plant for emergence_das, floral_initiation_das |
Changed PatchInput to make available non patch variables |
strange messages when running model |
Add a maximum rooting depth parameter to plant. |
Graph export does not preserve graph order |
Introducing SWIM2gui |
fatal crash when soil cannot find crop |
Add new routine for N remobilisation in AgPasture |
Agpasture uses Nconcentration isntead of Noptimum to compute N demand |
Drop-down menus on website not working on iPads (all tablets?) |
Some units compile slowly on Bob for no apparent reason |
Soils in the toolbox are not having Initial water and N nodes added properly |
Request for AusFarmPasture module to be able to accept a parameter file |
grasp n is mixed up |
GUI locks up when running simulation |
Adding SlopeEffectsOnWeather |
Micromet doesn’t publish total PET |
remove old ApsimX code from apsim |
New leaf output variables for Sugar and SugarCane |
Object reference not set … error on Soil Sample node in GUI |
Remove CL / KL modifier from the chickpea model |
The function determining the fraction of DM allocated to shoot root fails to reset (be = 1.0) after ‘spring’ |
The calculation of root proportion in AgPasture does not consider layer thickness |
Input module not working properly in several respects |
Manager2 output with defined units does not seem to be available to another Manager2 |
Plant not correctly handling removal of biomass by grazing |
Effects of High and Low temperatue on AgPasture’s photosynthesis has a bug |
patch to revision 3563 should not have been committed – need undo |
add better handling of species parameters in AgPasture |
Partition of new growth (shoot-root ratio) in AgPasture is too restrictive |
Plotting |
Water settings for crops fails if values are entered below the bottom of the profile, and can’t be cleaned up |
Output variable list (number 1) |
Output variable list (number 2) |
Change the .out difference tool (DiffDiff) to make it more usable. Fix some bugs and add recursion |
First iteration of a new C# version of PatchInput |
APSIM X link dead |
Add new more modern cultivars to CANOLA |
Implement a more explicit separation of species (root and canopy) |
Compiling AgPasture in different computers (diff setup) produces different results |
Make BD, KS, SAT, DUL, LL15 and cropLL settable |
Add US soils, weather files, maize and soybean cultivars, manure parameterisations |
Changed all early cultivars in wheat + fixed minor bugs in GUI when sending to cluster |
There is a PLANT bug where the use of MaxRootDepth can cause a fatal error about negative root growth. |
Canola shouldn’t have sub soil constraints code activated |
Update APSIM with the latest soils toolbox |
Fix the graphs in the sugar validation |
Add a DYMEX test simulation to the test suite |