Models in Release

APSIM 7.10

APSIM Model Origin/References
AgPasture Li, F.Y., Snow, V.O., Holzworth, D.P., 2011a. Modelling seasonal and geographical pattern of pasture production in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 54 331–352.
Barley Manschadi, A.M., Hochman, Z., McLean, G., DeVoil, P., Holzworth, D., Meinke, H., 2006. APSIM-Barley model – Adaptation of a wheat model to simulate barley growth and development, In: Turner, N.C., Acuna, T. (Eds.), 13th Australian Agronomy Conference: Perth, Western Australia
Broccoli Huth, N.I., Henderson, C., Peake, A., 2009. Development and testing of a horticultural crop model within APSIM, In: Anderssen, R.S., Braddock, R.D., Newham, L.T.H. (Eds.), 18th World Imacs Congress and Modsim09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation: Interfacing Modelling and Simulation with Mathematical and Computational Sciences, pp. 526-532.
Butterfly pea Owens J, Cox H, deVoil P, Power B, Conway M and Routley R (2009). APSFarm: a new framework for modelling mixed grain and graze businesses. In Anderssen RS, Braddock RD and Newham LTH (eds) 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand and International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, July 2009, pp. 649-655.
Canola Robertson, M.J., Holland, J.F., Kirkegaard, J.A., Smith, C.J., 1999. Simulating growth and development of canola in Australia., Proceedings tenth International Rapeseed Congress. (CD-Rom Proceedings)
Chickpea Robertson, M.J., Carberry, P.S., Huth, N.I., Turpin, J.E., Probert, M.E., Poulton, P.L., Bell, M., Wright, G.C., Yeates, S.J., Brinsmead, R.B., 2002. Simulation of growth and development of diverse legume species in APSIM. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 53(4) 429-446.
Cotton Hearn, A.B., 1994. OZCOT: A simulation model for cotton crop management. Agricultural Systems 44(3) 257-299.
Cowpea Adiku, S.K., Carberry, P.S., Rose, C.W., McCown, R.L., Braddock, R., 1993. Assessing the performance of maize (Zea mays*/cowpea (Vigna unguiculata )) intercrop under variable soil and climate conditions in the tropics., Proceedings of the Seventh Australian Society of Agronomy Conference, September, Adelaide, South Australia., p. 382.
Egrandis Paydar, Z., Huth, N., Snow, V., 2005. Modelling irrigated Eucalyptus for salinity control on shallow watertables. Aust J Soil Res 43, 587-597.
Emelliodora Huth, N.I., Carberry, P.S., Cocks, B., Graham, S., McGinness, H.M., O’Connell, D.A., 2008. Managing drought risk in eucalypt seedling establishment: An analysis using experiment and model. For Ecol Manag 255, 3307-3317
Epopulnea Huth, N.I., Carberry, P.S., Cocks, B., Graham, S., McGinness, H.M., O’Connell, D.A., 2008. Managing drought risk in eucalypt seedling establishment: An analysis using experiment and model. For Ecol Manag 255, 3307-3317
Fababean Turpin, J.E., Robertson, M.J., Haire, C., Bellotti, W.D., Moore, A.D., Rose, I., 2003. Simulating fababean development, growth, and yield in Australia. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 54(1) 39-52.
Field pea Chen, W., Robertson, M., Lingling, L., Bellotti, W., French, R.J., Bell, R., 2008a. Simulation of field pea growth and yield in diverse environments, In: Unkovich, M. (Ed.), “Global Issues. Paddock Action.”. Proceedings of 14th Agronomy Conference.: Adelaide, South Australia

Robertson, M.J., Carberry, P.S., Huth, N.I., Turpin, J.E., Probert, M.E., Poulton, P.L., Bell, M., Wright, G.C., Yeates, S.J., Brinsmead, R.B., 2002. Simulation of growth and development of diverse legume species in APSIM. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 53(4) 429-446.

French bean Henderson, C., Hunt, A., Finlay, G., Huth, N., Peake, A., Limpus, S., Napier, T., McHugh, J., 2011. Driving better vegetable irrigation through profitable practice change., A report to Horticulture Australia Limited.
GRASP Bell, L.W., Robertson, M.J., Revell, D.K., Lilley, J.M., Moore, A.D., 2008. Approaches for assessing some attributes of feed-base systems in mixed farming enterprises. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 48(6-7) 789-798.

Rickert, K.G., Stuth, J.W., McKeon, G.M., 2000. Modelling pasture and animal production. Field and Laboratory Methods for Grassland and Animal Production Research 29-66.

Growth Huth, N.I., Carberry, P.S., Poulton, P.L., Brennan, L.E., Keating, B.A., 2002. A framework for simulating agroforestry options for the low rainfall areas of Australia using APSIM. European Journal of Agronomy 18(1-2) 171-185.
Lablab Hill, J.O., Robertson, M.J., Pengelly, B.C., Whitbread, A.M., Hall, C.A., 2006. Simulation modelling of lablab (Lablab purpureus) pastures in northern Australia. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 57(4) 389-401.
Lucerne Dolling, P.J., Robertson, M.J., Asseng, S., Ward, P.R., Latta, R.A., 2005. Simulating lucerne growth and water use on diverse soil types in a Mediterranean-type environment. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 56(5) 503-515.

Probert, M.E., Robertson, M.J., Poulton, P.L., Carberry, P.S., Weston, E.J., Lehane, K.J., 1998b. Modelling lucerne growth using APSIM, Proceedings of the Ninth Australian Agronomy Conference, Wagga Wagga, pp. 247-250.

Verburg, K., Bond, W.J., Hirth, J.R., Ridley, A.M., 2007. Lucerne in crop rotations on the Riverine Plains. 3*. Model evaluation and simulation analyses. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 58(12) 1129-1141.

Lupin Farré, I., Robertson, M.J., Asseng, S., French, R.J., Dracup, M., 2004. Simulating lupin development, growth, and yield in a Mediterranean environment. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 55(8) 863-877.
Maize Carberry, P.S., Abrecht, D.G., 1991. TAILORING CROP MODELS TO THE SEMIARID TROPICS, In: Muchow, R.C., Bellamy, J.A. (Eds.), Climatic Risk in Crop Production : Models and Management for the Semiarid Tropics and Subtropics. CAB International, Wallingford, pp. 157-182.
Manager Moore, A.D., Holzworth, D.P., Herrmann, N.I., Brown, H.E., de Voil, P.G., Snow, V.O., Zurcher, E.J., Huth, N.I., 2014. Modelling the manager: representing rule-based management in farming systems simulation models. Environmental Modelling & Software 62, 399-410
Millet van Oosterom, E.J., Carberry, P.S., Hargreaves, J.N.G., O’Leary, G.J., 2001. Simulating growth, development, and yield of tillering pearl millet II. Simulation of canopy development. Field Crops Research 72(1) 67-91
Mucuna Robertson, M.J., Sakala, W., Benson, T., Shamudzarira, Z., 2005. Simulating response of maize to previous velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens) crop and nitrogen fertiliser in Malawi. Field Crops Research 91(1) 91-105
Mungbean Robertson, M.J., Carberry, P.S., Huth, N.I., Turpin, J.E., Probert, M.E., Poulton, P.L., Bell, M., Wright, G.C., Yeates, S.J., Brinsmead, R.B., 2002. Simulation of growth and development of diverse legume species in APSIM. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 53(4) 429-446.
Navybean Robertson, M.J., Carberry, P.S., Huth, N.I., Turpin, J.E., Probert, M.E., Poulton, P.L., Bell, M., Wright, G.C., Yeates, S.J., Brinsmead, R.B., 2002. Simulation of growth and development of diverse legume species in APSIM. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 53(4) 429-446.
Oats Peake, A., Whitbread, A., Davoren, B., Braun, J., Limpus, S., 2008. The development of a model in APSIM for the simulation of grazing oats and oaten hay, In: Unkovich, M. (Ed.), “Global Issues. Paddock Action.” Proceedings of 14th Agronomy Conference: Adelaide, South Australia.
Oil Mallee
Oil Palm Huth, N.I., Banabasb, M., Nelsonc, P., Webb, M. 2014. Development of an Oil Palm production system model within APSIM: Lessons and requirements for future work. Environmental Modelling and Software. 60, 411-119
Pasture Moore, A.D., Donnelly, J.R., Freer, M., 1997. GRAZPLAN: Decision Support Systems for Australian Grazing Enterprises. III. Pasture Growth and Soil Moisture Submodels, and the GrassGro DSS. Agricultural Systems 55(4) 535-582.
Peanut Hammer, G.L., Sinclair, T.R., Boote, K.J., Wright, G.C., Meinke, H., Bell, M.J., 1995. A peanut simulation model .1. Model development and testing. Agronomy Journal 87(6) 1085-1093.
Pigeonpea Robertson, M.J., Carberry, P.S., Chauhan, Y.S., Ranganathan, R., O’Leary, G.J., 2001b. Predicting growth and development of pigeonpea: a simulation model. Field Crops Research 71(3) 195-210.

Robertson, M.J., Silim, S., Chauhan, Y.S., Ranganathan, R., 2001c. Predicting growth and development of pigeonpea: biomass accumulation and partitioning. Field Crops Research 70(2) 89-100.

Potato Brown, H.E., Huth, N., Holzworth, D., 2011. A potato model built using the APSIM Plant.NET Framework, In: Chan, F., Marinova, D., Anderssen, R.S. (Eds.), 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, pp. 961-967.
Rice Bouman, B.A.M., van Laar, H.H., 2006. Description and evaluation of the rice growth model ORYZA2000 under nitrogen-limited conditions. Agricultural Systems 87(3) 249-273.

Gaydon, D.S., Probert, M.E., Buresh, R.J., Meinke, H., Suriadi, A., Dobermann, A., Bouman, B., Timsina, J., 2012. Rice in cropping systems-Modelling transitions between flooded and non-flooded soil environments. European Journal of Agronomy 39 9-24.

Sorghum Hammer, G.L., van Oosterom, E., McLean, G., Chapman, S.C., Broad, I., Harland, P., Muchow, R.C., 2010. Adapting APSIM to model the physiology and genetics of complex adaptive traits in field crops. Journal of Experimental Botany 61(8) 2185-2202.

Whish, J., Butler, G., Castor, M., Cawthray, S., Broad, I., Carberry, P., Hammer, G., McLean, G., Routley, R., Yeates, S., 2005. Modelling the effects of row configuration on sorghum yield reliability in north-eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 56(1) 11-23.

Soybean Robertson, M.J., Carberry, P.S., 1998. Simulating growth and development of soybean in APSIM., Proceedings Tenth Australian Soybean Conference, : Brisbane, 15-17 September, pp. 130-136.
Stylo Carberry, P.S., McCown, R.L., Muchow, R.C., Dimes, J.P., Probert, M.E., Dalgliesh, N.P., 1996. Simulation of a legume ley farming system in northern Australia using the Agricultural Production Systems Simulator. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 36(8) 1037-1048.
Sugarcane Keating, B.A., Robertson, M.J., Muchow, R.C., Huth, N.I., 1999. Modelling sugarcane production systems I. Development and performance of the sugarcane module. Field Crops Research 61(3) 253-271.
Sunflower Chapman, S.C., Hammer, G.L., Meinke, H., 1993. A Sunflower simulation model.1. Model development. Agronomy Journal 85(3) 725-735.
Sweetcorn Henderson, C., Hunt, A., Finlay, G., Huth, N., Peake, A., Limpus, S., Napier, T., McHugh, J., 2011. Driving better vegetable irrigation through profitable practice change., A report to Horticulture Australia Limited.
Sweet Sorghum
Weed Deen, W., Cousens, R., Warringa, J., Bastiaans, L., Carberry, P., Rebel, K., Riha, S., Murphy, C., Benjamin, L.R., Cloughley, C. and Cussans, J., 2003. An evaluation of four crop: weed competition models using a common data set. Weed Research, 43(2), pp.116-129
Wheat Brown, H., Huth, N.I., Holzworth, D.P., Zyskowski, R.F., Teixeira, E.I., Hargraves, J.N.I., Moot, D., 2014. Plant.NET: A software framework for building and running crop models on the APSIM platform. Environmental Modelling & Software. 60 385-398

Wang, E., van Oosterom, E., Meinke, H., Asseng, S., Robertson, M., Huth, N., Keating, B., Probert, M., 2003. The new APSIM-Wheat Model – performance and future improvements, In: O’Leary, M.U.a.G. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 11th Australian Agronomy Conference. Australian Society of Agronomy: Geelong, Victoria.

DCD Cichota, R., Vogeler, I., Snow, V.O., Shepherd, M.A., 2010. Modelling the effect of a nitrification inhibitor on N leaching from grazed pastures. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 72 43–47.
Erosion Freebairn, D.M., Silburn, D.M., Loch, R.J., 1989. Evaluation of three soil erosion models for clay soils. Aust. J. Soil Res 27 199-211.
Nitrogen (SoilN) Probert, M.E., Dimes, J.P., Keating, B.A., Dalal, R.C., Strong, W.M., 1998. APSIM’s Water and Nitrogen Modules and Simulation of the Dynamics of Water and Nitrogen in Fallow Systems. Agricultural Systems 56(1) 1-28.
Phosphorous Delve, R.J., Probert, M.E., Cobo, J.G., Ricaurte, J., Rivera, M., Barrios, E., Rao, I.M., 2009. Simulating phosphorus responses in annual crops using APSIM: model evaluation on contrasting soil types. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 84(3) 293-306.
Pond Gaydon, D.S., Probert, M.E., Buresh, R.J., Meinke, H., Timsina, J., 2012. Modelling the role of algae in rice crop nutrition and soil organic carbon maintenance. European Journal of Agronomy 39 35-43.
Solute Paydar, Z., Huth, N., Ringrose-Voase, A., Young, R., Bernardi, T., Keating, B., Cresswell, H., 2005. Deep drainage and land use systems. Model verification and systems comparison. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 56(9) 995-1007

Poulton, P.L., Huth, N.I., Carberry, P.S., 2005. Use of simulation in assessing cropping system strategies for minimising salinity risk in brigalow landscapes. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 45(6) 635-642.

Surface Connolly, R.D., Freebairn, D.M., Bell, M.J., Thomas, G., 2001. Effects of rundown in soil hydraulic condition on crop productivity in south-eastern Queensland – a simulation study. Soil Research 39(5) 1111-1129.
Surface OM Probert, M.E., Dimes, J.P., Keating, B.A., Dalal, R.C., Strong, W.M., 1998. APSIM’s Water and Nitrogen Modules and Simulation of the Dynamics of Water and Nitrogen in Fallow Systems. Agricultural Systems 56(1) 1-28.
SWIM Huth, N.I., Bristow, K.L., Verburg, K., 2012. SWIM3: Model use, calibration, and validation. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 55(4) 1303-1313

Connolly, R.D., Bell, M., Huth, N., Freebairn, D.M., Thomas, G., 2002. Simulating infiltration and the water balance in cropping systems with APSIM-SWIM. Australian Journal of Soil Research 40(2) 221-242

Verberg, K., Ross, P.J., Bristow, K.L., 1996. SWIMv2.1 User Manual., Divisional Report No 130, CSIRO Division of Soils, Canberra, Australia.

Verburg, K., Keating, B., Bristow, K.L., Huth, N., Ross, P., Catchpoole, V., 1996. Evaluation of nitrogen fertiliser management strategies in sugarcane using APSIM-SWIM. Sugarcane: Research towards efficient and sustainable production, Proc. Sugar 2000 Symposium: Towards a sweeter future, Brisbane, Australia 19-23

Temperature Campbell, G.S., 1985. Soil Physics with BASIC. Transport Models for Soil – Plant Systems. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Water (SoilWat) Probert, M.E., Dimes, J.P., Keating, B.A., Dalal, R.C., Strong, W.M., 1998. APSIM’s Water and Nitrogen Modules and Simulation of the Dynamics of Water and Nitrogen in Fallow Systems. Agricultural Systems 56(1) 1-28.

Verberg, K., Bond, W.J., 2003. Use of APSIM to simulate water balances of dryland farming systems in south eastern Australia. CSIRO Land and Water, Canberra

Water Supply Gaydon, D.S., Lisson, S.N., 2005. APSIM WaterSupply, In: Inman-Bamber, G., Attard, S. (Eds.), Inventory of Australian Software tools for Best Use of Water On-Farm. Final Report for Project 3.08, CRC for Irrigation Futures
Graz Owens, J.S., Cox, H., deVoil, P., Power, B., Conway, M., Routley, R., 2009. APSFarm: a new framework for modelling mixed cropping and grazing farm businesses.
Stock Freer, M., Moore, A.D., Donnelly, J.R., 1997. GRAZPLAN: Decision support systems for Australian grazing enterprises—II. The animal biology model for feed intake, production and reproduction and the GrazFeed DSS. Agricultural Systems 54(1) 77-126.
Canopy Carberry, P.S., Adiku, S.G.K., McCown, R.L., Keating, B.A., 1996. Application of the APSIM cropping systems model to intercropping systems, In: Eds, O.I., Johansen, C., Adu-Gyamfi, J.J., Katayama, K., Rao, J.V.D.K.K., Rego, T.J. (Eds.), Dynamics of Roots and Nitrogen in Cropping Systems of the Semi-Arid Tropics. Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, pp. 637-648.
E0 Meinke, H., Carberry, P.S., Cleugh, H.A., Poulton, P.L., Hargreaves, J.N.G., 2002. Modelling crop growth and yield under the environmental changes induced by windbreaks 1. Model development and validation. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 42(6) 875-885.
MicroClimate Snow, V.O., Huth, N.I., 2004. The APSIM–MICROMET module., HortResearch Internal Report No. 2004/12848. Auckland, HortResearch.

APSIM Next Generation

APSIM Model Origin/References
AGPRyegrass (AgPasture)
AGPWhiteClover (AgPasture)
Agroforestry (under review)
Chicory Cichota, R.; McAuliffe, R.; Lee, J.; Minnee, E.; Martin, K.; Brown, H.E.; Moot, D.J.; and Snow, V.O. 2020. Forage chicory model: Development and evaluation. Field Crops Research 246 107633.
Eucalyptus Smethurst et al (in preparation)
Grapevine Zhu, J. et al, Developing perennial fruit crop models in APSIM Next Generation using grapevine as an example.
in silico Plants, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2021, diab021,
MicroClimate Snow, V.O., Huth, N.I., 2004. The APSIM–MICROMET module., HortResearch Internal Report No. 2004/12848. Auckland, HortResearch
OilPalm Huth, N.I., Banabas, M., Nelson, P.N., Webb, M., 2014. Development of an oil palm cropping systems model: Lessons learned and future directions. Environmental Modelling & Software 62, 411-419.


Plantain Li, F.Y., Snow, V.O., Holzworth, D.P., 2011a. Modelling seasonal and geographical pattern of pasture production in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 54 331–352
Slurp Teixeira, E.I., Brown, H.E., Michel, A., Meenken, E., Hu, W., Thomas, S., Huth, N.I., Holzworth, D.P., 2018. Field estimation of water extraction coefficients with APSIM-SLURP for water uptake assessments in perennial forages. Field Crops Res 222, 26-38.
SoilNitrogen Probert, M.E., Dimes, J.P., Keating, B.A., Dalal, R.C., Strong, W.M., 1998. APSIM’s Water and Nitrogen Modules and Simulation of the Dynamics of Water and Nitrogen in Fallow Systems. Agricultural Systems 56(1) 1-28.
SoilWater Probert, M.E., Dimes, J.P., Keating, B.A., Dalal, R.C., Strong, W.M., 1998. APSIM’s Water and Nitrogen Modules and Simulation of the Dynamics of Water and Nitrogen in Fallow Systems. Agricultural Systems 56(1) 1-28.

Verberg, K., Bond, W.J., 2003. Use of APSIM to simulate water balances of dryland farming systems in south eastern Australia. CSIRO Land and Water, Canberra

Hammer, G L., van Oosterom, E., McLean, G., Chapman, S.C., Broad, I.,  Harland, P. and Muchow, R. C.

Adapting APSIM to model the physiology and genetics of complex adaptive traits in field crops. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erq095

Hammer, G.L., McLean, G., Doherty, A., van Oosterom, E., Chapman, S.C.

Sorghum Crop Modeling and Its Utility in Agronomy and Breeding.

Agronomy Monographs, Soil Science Society of America, 2019.
Sugarcane Keating, B.A., Robertson, M.J., Muchow, R.C., Huth, N.I., 1999. Modelling sugarcane production systems I. Development and performance of the sugarcane module. Field Crops Res 61, 253-271.
Wheat Brown, H., Huth, N., Holzworth, D., 2018. Crop model improvement in APSIM: using wheat as a case study. Eur J Agron 100, 141-150.
WhiteClover Li, F.Y., Snow, V.O., Holzworth, D.P., 2011a. Modelling seasonal and geographical pattern of pasture production in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 54 331–352