
Please note this is only a draft and may change

Session Title Presenter
8:00 Arrival, Registration, Poster Setup
8:30 Welcome from APSIM Initiative Steering Committee Chair 2020 Gavin Ash, University of Southern Queensland
8:40 Industry’s Perspective TBC
9:10 Whole Farm, Crop and Livestock Modelling Challenges and opportunities for farm and livestock modelling – what’s in APSIM and what is on the way Val Snow, AgResearch
9:35 Whole Farm, Crop and Livestock Modelling Quantifying data aggregation effects of model inputs on simulate yield and irrigation water demand at regional scales Jonathan Ojeda, University of Tasmania
9:50 Whole Farm, Crop and Livestock Modelling Enhancing simulation of water stress in APSIM Sotirios Archontoulis, Iowa State University
10:05 Whole Farm, Crop and Livestock Modelling The response of N2O emissions to N fertiliser rates in Australian sugarcane systems Naoya Takeda, Queensland University of Technology
10:20 Whole Farm, Crop and Livestock Modelling Improve soil simulations for better crop modelling Enli Wang, CSIRO
10:35 Morning Tea
11:00 Whole Farm, Crop and Livestock Modelling Slurp with a variable leaf extinction coefficient better predicts the canopy radiation interception in silvopastoral systems simulation Lucas Balcao, AgResearch; University of San Paolo
11:15 Whole Farm, Crop and Livestock Modelling Building decision support logic for enhanced efficiency fertilisers using APSIM virtual trials Kirsten Verburg, CSIRO
11:30 Whole Farm, Crop and Livestock Modelling Exploring cultivar options for profitable canola production in the Western Australian grain belt Chao Chen, CSIRO
11:45 Whole Farm, Crop and Livestock Modelling Spatial and temporal distribution of frost and its use in minimising frost risk in chickpea in the northern grains region of Australia Yash Chauhan, DAF
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Genotype, Environment, Management (GxExM) On the nature of crop models (and modellers) needed to advance crop adaptation and improvement (GxExM) Graeme Hammer, University of Queensland
13:20 Genotype, Environment, Management (GxExM) Yield benefits of reduced transpiration in the Australian wheatbelt Karine Chenu, University of Queensland
13:35 Genotype, Environment, Management (GxExM) Sensitivity in yield potential and stability of APSIM-Sorghum to hypothetical variations in GxM Lyle Thomas, University of Queensland
13:50 Genotype, Environment, Management (GxExM) Simulating G × E × M interactions to determine the value of subsoil water Julianne Lilley, CSIRO
14:05 Genotype, Environment, Management (GxExM) Untangling genotype x management interactions in multi-environment on-farm experimentation Daniel Rodriguez, University of Queensland
14:20 Genotype, Environment, Management (GxExM) Exploring the impact of soil variability on the value of variable rate irrigation strategies using APSIM Joanna Sharp, Plant and Food Research
14:35 Afternoon Tea
15:00 Cutting Edge Software and Tools Lifecycle model development Jeremy Whish, CSIRO
15:20 Cutting Edge Software and Tools Decomposition of crop model uncertainty using APSIM Ranju Chapagain, University of Tasmania
15:35 Cutting Edge Software and Tools Methods for automatic multi-objective function parameterisation of crop models Matt Harrison, University of Tasmania
15:50 Cutting Edge Software and Tools A new R package for APSIM Next Generation and Classic (apsimx) Fernando Miguez, Iowa State University
16:05 Cutting Edge Software and Tools A new canopy photosynthesis module for quantifying yield impacts of enhancing photosynthesis Alex Wu, CSIRO
16:20 Update on APSIM Advances in APSIM Software Dean Holzworth, CSIRO
16:40 Update on APSIM PMF update Hamish Brown, Plant and Food Research
16:55 Close Symposium Steering Committee Chair for 2020
17:00 Close
17:30-20:30 Networking Event Saint Lucy, University of Queensland