New Process for Accessing APSIM Commercially

The APSIM Initiative allows commercial use of APSIM for an annual fee. We are pleased to advise that APSIM is now available for download for both non-commercial and commercial use purposes at


If you wish to utilise APSIM for commercial purposes, you will need to select Commercial Use.  Once you have completed the online process, an invoice will be forwarded to the email address you provide. The required fees are published here:


The online process requires you to provide the following information:

  • Company Name and Registration Number  (if Australian entity this would be the ABN)
  • Company’s Representative – Name, Position, Email – this will be the person to whom the notices/invoices will be sent
  • Provide the size of the Company’s turnover – this determines the size of the licence fee.


For more information and download instructions, please go to: