New APSIM Article on the effects of climate variability on Eucalyptus plantation productivity across Brazil.
Modelling was used to study climate variability impacts on Eucalyptus production. Eucalyptus growth and yield were examined across a 30° latitude gradient. It was found that the simulated mean annual increment (MAI) ranged, on average, from 38 to 69 m3 ha−1 yr−1. and the simulated MAI increased 0.91 m3 ha−1 yr−1 for each increase of one degree in latitude.
MAI was mostly driven by rainfall combined with high temperatures at tropical sites. This information may assist in forest planning by estimating the area to be cultivated, machinery sizing, climate risk, and guiding the tree breeders in choosing appropriate genotypes in response to changing climate.
The paper can be accessed here:
The figure shows the relationship between the Eucalyptus attainable MAI and latitude, considering 36 Brazilian locations, 27 rotations (1980–2013) and three soil types (clay, sandy-clay and sandy-loam).