The APSIM Initiative in conjunction with the Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2020 Impact Factor of 5.83) are pleased to announce a Virtual Issue focussing on recent advances in technologies and applications of APSIM relative to agricultural production.
In particular, the Virtual Issue will focus on these areas:
– Software and science development in APSIM, and related tools
– Cropping systems, pasture management, agroforestry and farming systems
– Environmental, agronomic and socio-economic risk and impact assessments
– Genotype x Environment x Management adaptation
– Linking APSIM with new technologies
– Modelling Soil-Plant-Atmosphere interactions
– Mitigation and adaptation to climate change
Contributions including inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches are welcome.
Important dates
Submission start: 1 July 2021
Submission deadline: 31 April 2022
The call for papers is now live on the journal website: https://www.springer.com/journal/13593/updates/19338586.
Although you are able to submit directly, the guest associate editors would welcome a tentative title, the co-authorship, and a couple of sentences outlining potential contributions by the 15th of August, 2021. If you are interested please email these details or any question you may have to Karine.chenu@uq.edu.au or apsim@csiro.au.