APSIM Agroforestry Proxy released
Please note that the APSIM Agroforestry Model that uses a tree proxy has been released for public use. It is automatically included as an example whenever anyone downloads or upgrades APSIM Next Generation at www.apsim.info.
This is quite a significant step for agroforestry modelling, as we already know it has been useful for simulating food production in several combinations of sites and climates (temperate to tropical), crops (maize, wheat, and soybean), and trees (Gliricidia, Faidherbia, Acacia, and Eucalyptus). The trees are user-defined proxies in the Singles Tree Example and the Tree Belt Example that are downloaded. An active tree option is being developed as well.
If you have any questions about this development, please forward them apsim@cisro.au