Call for papers

Digital agriculture to mitigate GHGs emissions

Agriculture is a human activity that contributes to the increase of the greenhouse gases (GHGs) concentration in the atmosphere (e.g., CO2, CH4 and N2O), the cause of the climate system alteration. Consequently, the ongoing climate change is partly due to the high-emission and non-optimized agronomic practices, by impacting the most important cropping and forestry systems, causing extensive damage and endangering the entire sector. In this context, the assessment of the dynamics of principal elements (e.g. carbon, nitrogen, etc.) within agroecosystems plays a crucial role in order to promote ad-hoc climate change mitigation strategies. However, the evaluation of the biogeochemical cycles is generally performed globally and/or under controlled conditions, making it difficult to gain a thorough understanding in a real agricultural system, where multiple factors contribute to influencing these dynamics. With this regard, the non-optimized agronomic management, by requiring high inputs and contributing to resources waste, strongly influence the increase GHGs emissions at agroecosystem scale.

The submission deadline is 31/07/2025 

Guest Editors: Davide Cammarano, Aarhus University (Denmark) and Antonio Pulina, University of Sassari (Italy).


Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie, Alimentari, Ambientali e Forestali – DAGRI

Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry – DAGRI

University of Florence